5. Major Change

The most obvious major change is when Finny falls out of the tree and breaks his leg. He can’t play sports anymore and sports were everything to him. He was skilled in every sport Devon had to offer. His life revolved around sports. He was an icon for being involved in athletics. Once he breaks his leg, the only hope the doctor has for Finny is him being capable of walking again. Finny also changes his mindset on the war. He tries to persuade himself that there is no war. Finny claimed the war, where real men were dying each day, was a joke played by fat old men behind the scenes. Later we find out that he just said that because he could never be a part of the war. He wanted to be involved in the war but since his injury no one would accept him to fight. In this way, Finny was thrown into denial and into this false truth. He found an escape in this illusion. His refusal to accept the fact that Gene caused his injury was a false truth as well. Finny is too naive to accept the truth that is his best friend jounced the limb. I believe if Finny were to accept it, he would never trust anyone as deeply as he trusted Gene again.

One Comment

on “5. Major Change
One Comment on “5. Major Change
  1. Good post here, Aimee. I agree, Finny now has trust issues that he didn’t have before. But again, maybe Finny never trusted anyone and just kept it quiet like he did the times he tried to get into the branches of service.

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