4. Main Characters

Finny is athletic and charismatic. He is almost the perfect student at the Devon school but he has one downfall, his academics. Frequently defying authority, Finny always manages to talk his way out of the current predicament only to have another one appear shortly after. When it comes to enemies, Finny is naive. He can’t seem to imagine himself being someone’s enemy. The scene at the pool when Finny breaks the school record is an example of how Finny is more about the sport and personal achievement than actual competition. He is determined to see how far he can go to push and challenge the rules at Devon. One trait I like about Finny is he is not willing to conform. He is his own person in a school with strict rules. Also I like his charm when it comes to talking himself out of situations where usually someone would be punished for breaking the rules. Finny always seems to find a way out. He is all around a kindhearted character. However, that level of naivete is dangerous. He didn’t expect or even think that Gene would jounce the limb ultimately ending his athletic future. Also, he had no idea that Gene was secretly accusing him of taking away his studies. Since Finny is kindhearted,  I believe he expects nothing less in return from other people and that can be dangerous.


on “4. Main Characters
2 Comments on “4. Main Characters
  1. Aimee:
    Charm–that is a good word to describe him!! He gets away with so much because he’s charming. Who do you know in “real life” that is a Finny?

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